Community, Education, and Support for Perinatal Professionals
Current workshops and classes for doulas and other perinatal professionals are listed below. Interested in teaching or facilitating something? We love a good collab!
Perinatal Professionals Mixer
Wednesday, May 7th @ 7 – 9pm • Tickets $25
at Revolution Community Yoga, 525 Massachusetts Ave., Acton, MA 01720
A community gathering of providers who support birth, babies, and families. This is a wonderful opportunity to make new contacts and put a face to the names in your network!
Babywearing for Birth Workers
Jen is thrilled to share her expertise with others in the field, enabling other perinatal professionals to increase their knowledge and ability to support clients of their own. The goal of these sessions is to enable the professional to feel confident in their knowledge of the basics about a range of topics so that they can best help expectant and new families who frequently have questions in these same realms (e.g., babywearing and hip dysplasia; how to confirm a baby is being worn snugly enough, etc.).
Car Seats for Birth Workers
Offered by Jen Patashnick. Jen is thrilled to share her expertise with others in the field, enabling other perinatal professionals to increase their knowledge and ability to support clients of their own. The goal of these sessions is to enable the professional to feel confident in their knowledge of the basics about a range of topics so that they can best help expectant and new families who frequently have questions in these same realms (e.g., how to properly tighten a car seat harness; chest clip positioning; dressing baby safely for car seat use; and more!).